Winter Landscaping Preparation

Winter landscaping tips from ProscapesThe first day of Winter is December 21st (that’s next week already!) and it seems that for once, our predicted forecast is going to match up with the chilly season.  As you dust off your winter jackets and boots, don’t forget to think about your beautiful landscaping! 

Here are some GENERAL guidelines for preventing winter damage to your landscape:

1 – WATCH the forecast!  Temperatures below 32° are of concern, especially when accompanied by north wind and precipitation of any kind (ice, snow, sleet…)

2 – WATER prior to a freeze to keep the landscape hydrated.  Dehydration is dangerous for plants, just like it is for humans…

3 – After watering thoroughly, COVER tender plants and flowers with frost cloth or other similar fabric, such as sheets, burlap, lightweight blankets, pillowcases, etc.  DO NOT USE PLASTIC; it does not insulate, and in fact, can cause more harm than good.  Plants to cover in freezing temperatures include the following (this is not a definitive list):

  • Agave & other succulents
  • Pittosporum, Ferns, Hosta, Hydrangea, Yews, Bougainvillea
  • Anything tropical
  • Many vines
  • Palm trees (most should have the trunk wrapped, and precautions should be taken to protect the tree’s core from freezing; seek expert advice if you’re unfamiliar with Palm Tree care)
  • Potted plants
  • Perennials (Salvia, Agapanthus, Lantana, etc.)
  • Newly installed plant material – In general, newer plantings are more susceptible to freezing than hardy plants that are established

4 – UNCOVER when the forecast indicates more than a few days above freezing temperatures so you can water and give plants some sunshine and fresh air

To Recap:  Watch the forecast, Water the landscape, Cover what needs it, and Uncover when warmer.  Repeat as needed. 

Got two black thumbs?  Call us today; we’re here to help!

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